check out the joey sticking out of her pouch:
Onwards! We had been forewarned that the 300km stretch of highway between Mackay and Rockhampton is rather boring, so we had toyed with the idea of heading inland again into the outback. But this would mean taking an extra day to go the extra distance, so we stopped at a tourist info office to get some help deciding. Once we learned that the only real sights on the long inland route were old mining towns and a whole lot of not much else, we decided to bee-line it for Rockhampton via the "boring" coastal route. They really weren't kidding - it was a boring drive! Long stretches of straight road bordered by sparse forests. Signs warning of koala bears on the road kept us on our toes, as did the harsh government billboards that say things like "SURVIVE THIS DRIVE!" and "TIRED DRIVERS DIE". Late afternoon, we turned off toward the little town of Yeppoon, on what is called the Capricorn Coast, where people from Rockhampton come to chill by the sea. We tracked down a beachfront campsite (love falling asleep to the sound of rolling waves...) and went for a swim since we're finally out of the marine stinger zone. Unfortunately, we weren't quick enough at sundown to get the van closed up, so we got to play the fun game of "kill the 47 mosquitoes inside the van" game. Good times.
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