Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Meet Bocce!

Now that we're just barely a week away from departure day, we should introduce you to someone you will be seeing a lot of during our trip - Bocce!

While we were planning our trip, we wanted to find a little mascot to travel around with us, and one day a few weeks ago a coworker of Ken's introduced us to Bocce. Her 4 year old daughter was excited to hear of all the amazing places we're planning to visit, and we thought it would be fun to take pictures of something she would recognize everywhere we go. And then came Bocce! He's cute, compact, and last I heard he was ready for a visit home to see his tiger peeps in India. So he will go everywhere we do and you'll probably see a lot of him in the next 6 months!

Our packing list is almost completely crossed off, and Bocce is getting excited as the pile grows!

He's been doing a lot of reading from our guidebook stash too.

So the last of the 'to do' list is being tackled over the next few days, getting ready for departure day NEXT WEEK! Woooo hooooooooo!!!

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